Convex, Concave
Guitar Pro Tab | v5.10
| Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:52 p.m.
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Guitar Pro Tab Summary
Blackened Sky
Song Author
Simon Neil
File Size
55 KB
Six more times slide in your eye, you think you're in-no-cent, in-no-cent. Pull back and ass-ess the skinned sky, to see your in-no-cence, in-no-cence. Use just once and des-troy. Search-ing for an-swers, you'll ne-ver em-ploy. Com-plete, be-come your vis-ion now. It's the same as I am. It's just true in-cest now. Dec-eive your sins ag-ain, you're in-no-cent. Ref-lect the hate in your eyes. Con-vex your down, con-cave you're in ag-ain. Use just once and des-troy. Search-ing for an-swers, you'll ne-ver em-ploy. Com-plete, be-come your vis-ion now. It's the same as I am. Just to see this love plan. Hit re-set, re-set. Time and time ag-ain. Hit re-set, re-set. Time and time ag-ain. Sweat drenched hands, Is it blood, fuck who cares? I can not help the joy I'm fee-ling. Hur-ting you, You're beau-ti-ful when you cry. If you loved, You'd un-der-stand the way, Cle-ver thoughts with-stand, And sway ag-ainst your pain. I can't give, A thing, Your way, To bel-ieve in, To bel-ieve in Your heart. I'm so-rry for this now but I have to hurt, I have to kill you.